Directed / Edited by N. T. Bullock
Written / Performed by Eric Kohn & N. T. Bullock
Asst. - Anthony Washington

What Could Go Wrong?
Oh, what a beautiful day
The whole world seems happy and gay
Don't get me wrong - not in that way
But if that's your thing then that's OK
On this day what could go wrong?
When my shit feels so fucking strong
What has the mailman brought for me?
Open the box so I can see
What could go wrong, what could go wrong?
My Boy
My boy, my boy you've brought me such joy
How much more proud could a father be?
We've lost a lot in life - your mother, my wife
You must have strong shit just like me
How Can This Be?
How can this be? My shit is weak
The doctors seemed so positive, but these results are bleak
Father how will you respond to this
You always tend to beat me whenever you get pissed
You get pissed and drunk and beat me
My shit is weak, utterly weak... how can this be?
Oh Father
Oh father, yes son, I've got some bad news, what son?
They put my shit in test tubes
What did the doctors tell you?
It tested positive for weak
No son of mine will have weak shit
I simply will not hear of it [No!]
If what you're telling me is true
Your mother's shit must have been weak too [No!]
I know it did not come from me
And now I'm pissed as you can see
Father please don't beat me
I don't think I could bear it now
I wish I could explain this
But my shit's gone weak somehow
LEAVE! [Why?]
You're dead to me [Why?]
Genetically... [Why?]
You're not like me [Why?]
Your shit is weak!
Oh Prayer
Oh dear Lord, I pray to you
Please tell me what I must do
I hope that my prayer strength is not affected 'cause my shit is weak
Make my shit strong or I won't last here long
Make daddy love me true
You killed my mom that's the least you could do
I've got news to tell you
What is it now?
My shit is strong. Stronger than EVER
How can that be? Your shit was so weak?
Some strong shit came down from heaven and got all over me!
That's my boy.